Asiago Pressato(DOP) 義大利艾斯亞格半硬質乳酪


市面上的艾斯亞格Asiago有兩種類型:Asiago Pressato以全脂乳製成,是一款細緻溫和的半硬質乳酪,象牙色的內芯,香氣飽滿略鹹的口感,滋潤Q彈。Asiago d'allevo來自全脂乳或脫脂乳製成,屬於高溫煮過加壓的硬質乳酪,質地堅硬易碎,具有深褐色的外皮深黃色的內芯,帶有鹹而辛辣的風味。

Albiero於1938年開始生產,以〝工藝品〞等級的美味征服饕客的味蕾。1955年在威尼托地區的Montorso Vicentino擴大生產,2012年進一步完善了Albiero的能力,提供消費者更多美味安心的好乳酪。






營養標示 每份 每100公克

熱量 188大卡 376大卡

蛋白質 11公克 22公克

脂肪 16公克 32公克

飽和脂肪 11公克 22公克

反式脂肪 0公克 0公克

碳水化合物 0公克 0公克

糖 0公克 0公克

鈉 212毫克 425毫克

NT$ 580

口感層次:圓鼓形,Asiago Pressato熟成的外皮為白色到象牙白。內芯為象牙白到淺黃色,質地平滑,口感Q軟富有彈性,濃濃的奶油鹹香帶著檸檬香氣,香甜柔和非常適合當零食或配麵包吃,或親友歡聚場合的乳酪板(cheese board) 享用。

賞味方式:將乳酪置放於常溫30-60分鐘,讓乳酪釋放應有的獨特風味。義大利人道地的吃法是單吃配麵包或沙拉米,於正餐或點心時間享用。Asiago Pressato延展性極佳,非常適合入菜料理,製做醬汁、義大利麵、歐姆蛋、濃湯或是乳酪鍋都有不錯的表現。搭配一杯卡本內蘇維翁(Cabernet Sauvignon)讓風味更臻完美。


Asiago, is a cow's milk cheese, produced only on the Asiago plateau in the Veneto foothills in Italy. The cheese-making tradition in the provinces of Vicenza and Trento dates back to more than thousand years. Traditionally, it was made from sheep's milk but today it is produced from unpasteurised cow's milk.

Texture wise, Asiago goes through many changes, assuming different textures, according to its aging. There are two types of Asiago - fresh Asiago (Asiago Pressato) has a smooth texture while the aged Asiago (Asiago d'allevo) has a crumbly texture. Asiago d’allevo is matured for different time periods; Mezzano for 4-6 months, Vecchio for more than ten months and Stravecchio for two years. On the other hand, Asiago Pressato made with whole milk is matured for a month and sold fresh as a softer, milder cheese.

Depending on age, the rinds of Asiago can be straw coloured and elastic to brownish gray and hard. The paste can be white to dark yellow, with small to medium irregular holes. Based on the aging, Asiago can be used for grating, melting, slicing on a variety of salads, sandwiches, soups, pastas, and sauces.

Albiero started producing in 1938 collecting milk from nearby areas.In 1955 Albiero built the factory in Montorso Vicentino, in Veneto Region, where Lino Albiero, the company founder, established his business activity. The early stages of his activity can be considered handicraft.

In 2012 the branch of Lonigo has been expanded with a doubling of the space assigned to aging and packaging, and this has allowed us to further refine the capabilities of Albiero in proposing to the end consumer with a wide range of hard and semi-hard cheeses. Medium-cooked cheese produced with full fat milk or semi skimmed cow's milk.

Asiago Pressato(DOP) 義大利艾斯亞格半硬質乳酪
Asiago Pressato(DOP) 義大利艾斯亞格半硬質乳酪
Asiago Pressato(DOP) 義大利艾斯亞格半硬質乳酪
Asiago Pressato(DOP) 義大利艾斯亞格半硬質乳酪
Asiago Pressato(DOP) 義大利艾斯亞格半硬質乳酪
Asiago Pressato(DOP) 義大利艾斯亞格半硬質乳酪