Etorki在巴斯克(Basque)語為“起源”的意思,是一種在法國庇里牛斯山脈(Pyrénées)巴斯克地區(Pays Basque)生產的巴氏殺菌羊奶乳酪。用於製作Etorki乳酪的乳汁,和聞名的Ossau Iraty AOP一樣,必須來自於牧羊人和酪農放牧的當地特有種黑臉或紅臉的馬內許綿羊(Ewes-Manech)。生產一輪的Etorki需要6加侖的羊奶。庇里牛斯山脈地區的乳酪製作遵循了過去4000年來一直保持不變的傳統。它要求乳酪被壓榨但不煮熟,並需要6個月以上的時間慢慢成熟。Etorki質地光滑柔軟,天鵝絨般的內芯為雪白色,偶爾有孔或縫隙。溫和飽滿的鹹奶油味,帶有果香氣和榛果的味道,綿長的後味釋放礦物氣息和焦糖甜香。將Etorki與夏多內chardonnay、氣泡白葡萄酒sparkling white或果香氣的紅葡萄酒搭配食用,風味更佳。
產地: 法國
營養標示每份 每100公克
熱量 196.5大卡 393大卡
蛋白質 12公克 24公克
脂肪 16.5公克 33公克
飽和脂肪 11.5公克 23公克
反式脂肪 0公克 0公克
碳水化合物 0公克 0公克
糖 0公克 0公克
鈉 304毫克 608毫克
賞味方式:適合早餐、開胃菜或下午茶點心食用,搭配麵包、沙拉、水果、燻肉、馬鈴薯就很美味。延展性佳,適合入菜料理如沙拉、三明治、漢堡、塔(tarts)或鹹肉派等料理。當地傳統的吃法為搭配黑櫻桃果醬(itxassou)平衡乳酪刺激的口感。適合搭配夏多內chardonnay、氣泡白葡萄酒sparkling white或果香氣的紅葡萄酒。
Etorki, meaning “origin” in Basque language, is a pasteurised sheep’s milk cheese made in French Basque region of the Pyrénées. The milk used to make this cheese is sourced from local black-faced or red-faced Manech ewes (adult female sheep is referred to as a ewe) herded by local shepherds and dairy farmers. It takes six gallons of ewe’s milk to produce one wheel of Etorki. Cheese making in the Pyrenees region has been following a tradition that has remained unchanged for the last 4000 years. It requires the cheese to be pulp pressed but not cooked and slowly matured for a period of three to six months. Etorki has a rusty, bumpy rind because of the molds formed during pressing. The smooth, supple and velvety interior is a consistent white with occasional holes or slits. It has a sweet and earthy aroma suggestive of the caramel flavours released by the pressed and aged sheep’s milk. Pair Etorki with chardonnay, riojas or traditional, sparkling white wines.