Tomme Catalane(DOP)西班牙加泰蘭半硬質乳酪

起源於加泰羅尼亞的庇里牛斯山脈心臟地帶的Alt Urgell和Cerdagne山谷的祖傳傳統,2000年獲得了歐盟原產地標記(DOP)的寶貴認可和保證。Tomme Catalane因其柔軟,順滑,香氣濃郁,奶油狀的糊狀和果香而備受讚譽。可以在乳酪拼盤上單獨品嚐,也可以烹飪:raclette,火鍋,漢堡,焗烤,沙拉,蛋餅,美味的餡餅,法式麵包...

加泰羅尼亞氣候和自然環境適合繁殖乳牛,其中大多數為弗里斯蘭品種。Tomme Catalane是唯一的加泰羅尼亞語DOP乳酪。是悠久的乳製品和乳酪傳統的旗艦級作品。






每份 每100公克

熱量 174.5大卡 349大卡

蛋白質 11.1公克 22.2公克

脂肪 14公克 28公克

飽和脂肪 10公克 20公克

反式脂肪 0公克 0公克

碳水化合物 0公克 0公克

0公克 0公克

420毫克 840毫克

NT$ 520

口感層次:圓扁形,麥黃色的內芯,質地Q彈,口感溫和柔順,帶有果香和鹹奶油般的味道,適合居家早餐、下午茶、親友歡聚場合的乳酪板(cheese board)。



Tomme Catalane (DOP)

Catalan Tomme Urgèlia is a semi-cooked pressed cheese resulting from an ancestral tradition of the Alt Urgell and Cerdagne valleys, in the heart of the Catalan Pyrenees, whose cheese production is recognized and guaranteed by a Designation of Origin. Protected (DOP). Catalan Urgèlia tomme is very appreciated for its supple, creamy paste and its fruity aromas. It can be tasted alone on a cheese platter or be cooked: raclette, fondues, burgers, gratins, salads, quiches, Savory pies, croque-monsieur ...

It is the one and only Catalan DOP cheese. it is the flagship of a long dairy and cheese tradition that has evolved and benefited from new techniques.

A climate and nature are suitable for the breeding of dairy cows, most of them of the Frisian breed. Over time, its production of artisanal origin has been enriched with new techniques, to receive in 2000 the precious recognition of the European Union: the DOP. To achieve this, it had to meet strict specifications which specify all the production rules, from the geographical area to the milk used, including the manufacturing method, its cylindrical shape, its size (between 195 and 200 millimeters), its fat content of 27%, a minimum ripening of 3 months and a weight of about 2.5 is supple, smooth and its aromas are fruity.

Tomme Catalane(DOP)西班牙加泰蘭半硬質乳酪
Tomme Catalane(DOP)西班牙加泰蘭半硬質乳酪
Tomme Catalane(DOP)西班牙加泰蘭半硬質乳酪
Tomme Catalane(DOP)西班牙加泰蘭半硬質乳酪