Cantal Jeune ( AOP/BIO)法國康塔爾半硬質乳酪(有機)

起源自西元前5世紀的高盧人時期,是法國最古老的乳酪,堪稱為法國中部奧文尼大區(Auvergne)所有乳酪的始祖,其工法更延伸成為英國著名切達乳酪的標準製程(cheddaring process)。1956年受AOC保護(appellation d'origine contrôlée),以原產地Cantal命名的康塔爾乳酪,限定僅能產自於奧文尼山區和庇里牛斯山,酪農採收年輕乳牛的乳汁後,在熟成期的不同階段中各有風味,剛成熟的乳酪味道溫和帶有水果和鮮奶香;充分熟成的乳酪味道濃烈,帶有榛子和香草味。豐富的變化圓潤的口感為法國人最喜愛的銷售冠軍王,更是世界乳酪專家們推崇尊重的一款重量級的乳酪。

圓柱形的外觀,限定以Salers品種乳牛的生奶或巴氏滅菌的牛奶製成。柔軟的內芯及強烈的奶油味道,讓人聯想到英國的切達乳酪。Cantal必須在地窖慢慢熟成,隨著時間的不同,可分為3個種類:Cantal jeune(熟成1-2個月),Cantal entre-deux或Cantaldoré(熟成3-8個月),Cantal vieux(熟成9個月以上)。前兩者為最常見的Cantal乳酪類型,Cantal vieux最為稀少珍貴很少出口,享受奧文尼特殊強烈火山地質的風土,通常只能在當地的乳酪專賣店找得到。三者之中,Cantal jeune,輕盈的奶油甜香,Q彈有緻,具有活力的果香味道和草原氣息,讓人聯想起源於奧弗涅地區豐富的牧場。富含礦物質是法國人食用最多,蔚為日常飲食一部分的營養美味。





成份 : 牛奶(有機),凝乳酵素,鹽,乳酸菌

營養標示每份 每100公克

熱量 182大卡 364大卡

蛋白質 12公克 24公克

脂肪 14.5公克 29公克

飽和脂肪 10公克 20公克

反式脂肪 0公克 0公克

碳水化合物 0公克 0公克

0公克 0公克

340毫克 680毫克

NT$ 560

口感層次:大圓柱形,熟成的乳酪具白色斑點的褐色外皮,內芯為金黃色,在熟成期的不同階段中各有風味,Cantal jeune質地細緻,口感Q彈,輕盈的奶油甜香,具有活力的果香味道和草原氣息,後味帶有焦糖堅果、榛果、香草的味道,富含礦物質,是一款適合日常三餐食用的營養美味。

賞味方式:將乳酪置放於常溫30-60分鐘,讓乳酪釋放應有的獨特風味。搭配全麥麵包、蘇打餅乾、葡萄、蘋果和堅果享用,也可以在沙拉、濃湯、肉類烘烤、乳酪鍋等料理使用。適合搭配渾厚的啤酒,果香馥郁的白葡萄酒、紅葡萄酒,如波爾多(Bordeaux) 、黑皮諾(pinot noir) ,更能享受其豐富甜美的風味。

保存方法:請低溫2°C ~6°C冷藏。開封後,吃多少切多少,剩餘乳酪尚未食用的部分,請1.用保鮮膜或防油紙包妥,2.再放置於保鮮盒冷藏,雙重保護避免降低口感影響風味或是水氣潮濕造成腐壞。

Cantal cheese is a type of firm cheese produced in the Auvergne region of central France: more particularly in the département of Cantal (named after the Cantal mountains) as well as in certain adjoining districts. Cantal cheese was granted Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée certification in 1956.

One of the oldest cheeses in France,Cantal dates back to the times of the Gauls. It came to prominence when Marshal Henri de La Ferté-Senneterre served it at the table of Louis XIV of France. Senneterre is also responsible for the introduction of Saint-Nectaire and Salers.

There are two types of Cantal cheese. Cantal Fermier is a farmhouse cheese made of raw milk. Cantal Laitier is the commercial, mass-produced version from pasteurized milk; both have to adhere to the same strict quality controls. Cantal is shaped like a cylinder. Cantal is made from raw or pasteurized cow's milk of the Salers breed. For Cantal, the milk of cows that are fed on hay (during 15 November to 15 April) is used; the summer milk of the same cows grazing on mountain meadows makes the Salers cheese.

This semi-hard cheese is aged for several months. The form is massive, and the cheese has a soft interior. Its flavor, which is somewhat reminiscent of Cheddar, is a strong, tangy butter taste and grows with age. A well ripened Cantal has a vigorous taste, while a young cheese has the sweetness of raw milk. Its smell is of earth and pasture lands, and is reminiscent of the rich pasture land of the Auvergne region it originates from. According to the time of aging, three varieties are distinguished:

Cantal jeune (aged 1–2 months)

Cantal entre-deux or Cantal doré (aged3-7 months)

Cantal vieux (aged more than 9 months).

These are all available as fermier and laitier. Most (>80% of production) Cantal is of the first two varieties. Cantal vieux is already a hard cheese, if kept properly, it can last up to a year and a half without spoiling. It is not produced in large quantities. Much loved in the Cantal region, Cantal vieux is quite rarely exported due to its strong taste, and can usually be found only in specialist stores.

Cantal Jeune ( AOP/BIO)法國康塔爾半硬質乳酪(有機)
Cantal Jeune ( AOP/BIO)法國康塔爾半硬質乳酪(有機)
Cantal Jeune ( AOP/BIO)法國康塔爾半硬質乳酪(有機)
Cantal Jeune ( AOP/BIO)法國康塔爾半硬質乳酪(有機)