Ossau Iraty-Lait Cru(AOP)法國歐娑伊哈堤半硬質乳酪(生綿羊奶)

歐娑‧伊哈堤Ossau- Iraty來自法國南部的庇里牛斯山北麓的巴斯克特區Pays Basque,是一款傳統的半硬質綿羊乳酪,1980年受AOC保護,名稱來自限定產區貝亞恩(Béarn)的歐娑(Ossau)山谷,以及巴斯克(Pays Basque)的伊哈堤(Iraty) 森林。廣闊肥沃的山毛櫸林山谷中,AOC明定酪農師僅能使用馬內許綿羊(Ewes-Manech)和巴斯科‧貝荷內茲綿羊(Basco-Béarnaise) 兩個品種的羊奶生產。






‧ Montagne只能標示5/10~9/15吃夏季牧草的綿羊


只能命名為Fromage de brebis或Sheep’s-milk cheese







營養標示 每份 每100公克

熱量 214大卡 428大卡

蛋白質 11.9公克 23.8公克

脂肪 18.5公克 37公克

飽和脂肪 12.2公克 24.4公克

反式脂肪 0公克 0公克

碳水化合物 0公克 0公克

0公克 0公克

340毫克 680毫克

NT$ 720


賞味方式:直接食用搭配全麥麵包、沙拉或水果就很美味。當地傳統的吃法為搭配黑櫻桃果醬(itxassou)平衡乳酪刺激的口感。或是烹調料理用來入味, Ossau Iraty非常適合一支dry的白葡萄酒,如Jurancon sec 或Bordeaux sec,更能突顯其深蘊的花草風味。

保存方法:請低溫2°C ~6 °C冷藏。開封後,吃多少切多少,尚未食用的部分,請用保鮮膜或防油紙包妥,再放置於保鮮盒冷藏,避免降低口感影響風味或是水氣潮濕造成腐壞。

Ossau-Iraty is a traditional, unpasteurized from the picturesque mountains of Pyrénées that hold a fertile grazing land for the milk-giving ewes. This cheese unites two regions of France in the Western Pyrénées: Ossau in the valley of the Bearn and Iraty in the beech forests of the Pays Basque. It received an AOC protection in 1980, which requires that the cheese be produced with the milk of only two breeds of ewes - Manech and Basco-Béarnaise.

An uncooked and pressed cheese, Ossau-Iraty is semi-hard in texture with a thick, buff rind marked with rust and gray molds. Beneath the brown and orange rind is an ivory white, supple and slightly grainy interior that has a creamy and buttery mouth feel. Flavors are herbaceous, nutty and fruity if the produce is from winter while the summer cheeses tend to reveal aromas of grass and flowers.

Matured for at least 6 months, Ossau-Iraty often comes in a flat cylindrical shape. There are three main sizes available, small (Petit-Ossau-Iraty-Brebis Pyrenes), intermediate (non-fermier) and large (fermier). It is sometimes dusted with paprika leaves to add a kick of flavor. It tastes delicious with fruity red, full-bodied red or white wines such as Zinfandel, Tempranillo or Syrah.

Ossau Iraty-Lait Cru(AOP)法國歐娑伊哈堤半硬質乳酪(生綿羊奶)
Ossau Iraty-Lait Cru(AOP)法國歐娑伊哈堤半硬質乳酪(生綿羊奶)
Ossau Iraty-Lait Cru(AOP)法國歐娑伊哈堤半硬質乳酪(生綿羊奶)
Ossau Iraty-Lait Cru(AOP)法國歐娑伊哈堤半硬質乳酪(生綿羊奶)
Ossau Iraty-Lait Cru(AOP)法國歐娑伊哈堤半硬質乳酪(生綿羊奶)
Ossau Iraty-Lait Cru(AOP)法國歐娑伊哈堤半硬質乳酪(生綿羊奶)
Ossau Iraty-Lait Cru(AOP)法國歐娑伊哈堤半硬質乳酪(生綿羊奶)
Ossau Iraty-Lait Cru(AOP)法國歐娑伊哈堤半硬質乳酪(生綿羊奶)