Tommette de Yenne-Lait Cru法國薩瓦半硬質乳酪(生乳)

de Yenne,以當地濃醇香聞名的生牛乳製造,依傳統手作工法在傳統酒窖熟成至少4〜6週以上,創造出柔軟Q彈入口生香的完美乳酪。隨著熟成期的延長,Tommette de Yenne乳酪慢慢產生厚厚蓬鬆的灰色外皮,散發著薩瓦乳酪典型酒窖洞穴的強烈氣味,乳酪內芯由奶油色變為鵝黃色,熟成越長內芯的小洞越為顯著,果味撲鼻,如奶油蔬菜般的甜香馥郁,帶有堅果味和草本(herb)或農地(farmyard)的香氣。標籤上

Coopérative de Yenne
Porte de Savoie- LA DENT DU CHAT創建於1962年,位於薩瓦(Savoie)地區的Yenne,坐落在Aiguebelette湖與Bourget之間的La Dent du Chat山腳下。每天從位於Chat和Charve以及Epine山脈和Aiguebelette湖周圍地區收集牛奶。以古老的專業知識生產高品質的法國乳酪,如:Tomme
de Savoie,Tomme de Yenne,Tomme
de Montagne和Emmental de Savoie,為每個人提供了體驗來自非凡風土的美食饗宴。






成份: 生牛奶,凝乳酵素,鹽,乳酸菌

營養標示 每份50公克 每100公克

熱量 183大卡 366大卡

蛋白質 13公克 25.9公克

脂肪 14.5公克 29公克

飽和脂肪 9.1公克 18.1公克

反式脂肪 0公克 0公克

碳水化合物 1公克 2公克

糖 0.2公克 0.4公克

鈉 284毫克 568毫克

NT$ 780

口感層次:圓柱形的外觀,上等的Tommette de Yenne覆蓋著一層灰白色的外皮,具有典型酒窖洞穴的強烈氣味,熟成的乳酪切開後會有細孔,內芯為鵝黃色,質地柔軟,口感Q彈滑潤,風味濃厚綿長,果味撲鼻,甜香馥郁,如奶油蔬菜般的後味散發堅果味,草本(herb)或農地(farmyard)的香氣,層次多元,熟成越久味道與口感越強烈。

賞味方式:將乳酪置放於常溫30-60分鐘,讓乳酪釋放應有的風味。享受Tommette de Yenne的理想方式是切片夾在兩片鄉村麵包之間,搭配葡萄乾和無花果,更能展現果香和堅果香氣。是撒瓦區”乳酪板”Cheese board不可或缺的美味。此款乳酪味道厚實延展性佳,可以入菜料理增加食物的風味。搭配一支酒體飽滿深厚的勃艮第(Burgundy)、或隆河谷(côtes-de Rhône)地區的紅葡萄酒,更能品嚐她厚實濃郁的風味。

保存方法: 請冷藏.勿陽光照射。開封後請以保鮮膜或防油紙包妥,避免水份流失而降低口感風味。

The Coopérative laitière de Yenne Porte de Savoie was created in 1962 in Yenne in the Savoie Region, situated at the foot of the Dent du Chat Mountain between Lakes Aiguebelette and Bourget. Every day it collects milk from its producers located in the heart of the Chat and the Charve massifs, the Epine mountain chain and the region around Lake Aiguebelette. Tomme de Savoie, Tomme de Yenne, Tomme de Montagne and Emmental de Savoie cheeses produced by the Coopérative de Yenne benefit from high quality pasturage and age-old expertise, and offer everyone the chance to experience the delights of produce from an extraordinary terroir. This is a deliciously soft cheese that melts in the mouth. It is not very well known and merits better recognition. It is made from cow’s milk that is pressed but not cooked. Maturity is a minimum of one month. During its maturing period the cheese develops a rind that is covered with red and yellow mould. The pâte (dough) originally white will with maturity turn a creamy yellow. The longer it is matured the savors become more concentrated and pronounced. The ideal way to enjoy the Tommette de Yenne is in slices between two pieces of country bread, or at the end of a meal with raisins and fresh figs. Serve with a regional wine from the Rhone-Alpes area.

Tommette de Yenne-Lait Cru法國薩瓦半硬質乳酪(生乳)
Tommette de Yenne-Lait Cru法國薩瓦半硬質乳酪(生乳)
Tommette de Yenne-Lait Cru法國薩瓦半硬質乳酪(生乳)
Tommette de Yenne-Lait Cru法國薩瓦半硬質乳酪(生乳)
Tommette de Yenne-Lait Cru法國薩瓦半硬質乳酪(生乳)