Red Leicester 24 Months Aged(PDO)英國紅雷斯特(特熟成)硬質乳酪

英國紅雷斯特(簡稱為雷斯特乳酪),以標準切達工法製成。自18世紀以來,以英格蘭的雷斯特城命名,使用英國傳統的製乳方式,此款2年窖藏特熟成的紅雷斯特,以巴士德殺菌牛乳加入天然的胭脂樹紅(Annatto) 替代一般超市銷售乳酪用的胡蘿蔔或甜菜汁,讓乳酪產生微甜如焦糖般的風味和漂亮的金橙色彩,再以紗布包裹於地窖中慢慢熟成24個月以上,讓乳酪產生堅實的質地,片狀的結晶化結構,散發濃郁的堅果味及深沉如鹹蛋黃一般的鹹香。




製造商 : Long Clawson Dairy Ltd




每一份量50公克 每100公克

熱量 222.5大卡 445大卡

蛋白質 13.2公克 26.3公克

脂肪 17.9公克 35.7公克

飽和脂肪 11.4公克 22.7公克

反式脂肪 0公克 0公克

碳水化合物 0.5公克 1公克

糖 0公克 0公克

鈉 300毫克 600毫克

NT$ 640


賞味方式:將乳酪置放於常溫30~60分鐘,讓乳酪釋放應有的獨特風味。搭配麵包,或是火腿、香腸,就是簡單美味的早餐、開胃菜。也可以運用在牛肉料理用,適合搭配酒體飽滿的黑皮諾紅酒(Pinot Noir)或是威士忌或白蘭地等香醇厚實的美酒。


Red Leicester (also known simply as Leicester or Leicestershire Cheese)is an English cheese, made in a similar manner to Cheddar cheese, although it is crumblier. Since the 18th century, it has been coloured orange by adding annatto extract during manufacture.It is a cow's milk cheese, originally from Leicestershire, England, and is named after the city of Leicester. It has a firm texture, and a slightly nutty taste. Versions sold in supermarkets are typically coloured with annatto, although it is possible to obtain Red Leicester without it.

Although Red Leicester can be young or "old", aged anywhere from four to nine months, the young Leicesters at the start of that range will be very mild: they often require at least six months to develop a tang. Farmhouse versions are also available. Farmhouse makers will mature it in cloth, the old way, to allow better flavour development.

The cheese was originally made on farms in Leicestershire with milk that was surplus once all the Stilton desired was made. It was originally coloured with carrot or beetroot juice.It used to be called Leicestershire Cheese, after the county in which it was originally made, but is now called Red Leicester to distinguish it from the White Leicester, which was made to a national recipe under wartime controls during the 1940s. The rind is reddish-orange with a powdery mould on it.

The fat content of Red Leicester cheese when fresh is generally between 33 and 34%. Regulations regarding cheese require minimum fat levels to be stated in terms of the "fat in dry matter" or FDM, as moisture levels decrease as cheese ages. Take out the moisture and you are left with fat, protein, minerals, vitamins and salt – the FDM measures the amount of fat in these solids, exclusive of water. So although the minimum FDM generally listed for Red Leicester is 48% this equates to an actual fat content in the final product of around 33–34%.

Red Leicester 24 Months Aged(PDO)英國紅雷斯特(特熟成)硬質乳酪
Red Leicester 24 Months Aged(PDO)英國紅雷斯特(特熟成)硬質乳酪
Red Leicester 24 Months Aged(PDO)英國紅雷斯特(特熟成)硬質乳酪
Red Leicester 24 Months Aged(PDO)英國紅雷斯特(特熟成)硬質乳酪
Red Leicester 24 Months Aged(PDO)英國紅雷斯特(特熟成)硬質乳酪
Red Leicester 24 Months Aged(PDO)英國紅雷斯特(特熟成)硬質乳酪