誕生於18世紀的英國史蒂頓藍紋乳酪為世界三大藍紋乳酪之一。得名於英國劍橋郡的斯蒂爾頓村,有兩種版本的Stilton (PDO):藍色乳酪(stilton Blue),其中添加了洛克福青黴菌以產生特有的氣味和味道;而白色乳酪(white stilton)則是以乳酸菌發酵製成。兩者都已獲得歐盟委員會的原產地命名保護(PDO)地位,要求只有德比郡(Derbyshire)、萊斯特郡(Leicestershire)和諾丁漢郡(Nottinghamshire)三個縣生產的乳酪才能被稱為史帝頓乳酪。1936年史蒂頓乳酪製造商協會(SCMA)成立,旨在遊說監管以保護乳酪的品質和原產地。1966年,史蒂頓乳酪通過(PDO)認證商標獲得法律保護,這是唯一獲得該地位的英國乳酪。
圓柱形,帶有黏性的灰色外皮,乳酪的外皮在熟成過程中自然形成並且可以食用。乳酪內部呈明顯的藍綠色大理石紋路,質地脆弱易碎,口感強烈,有明顯的鹹味、辛辣,但不及法國洛克福藍紋乳酪(Roquefort AOP)的濃烈、辛辣與厚重的鹹味。和義大利戈鞏佐拉藍紋乳酪(Gorgonzola DOP)相較,口感更為乾爽柔細,甜味也較明顯。具有厚實的重金屬香氣,非常適合乳酪版享用。
Stilton Blue (PDO)可以直接將乳酪碾碎放在沙拉上食用。傳統英式料理通常作為調味料添加到蔬菜湯中,特別是芹菜巧達湯或花椰菜巧達湯中。另外,還可以與各種薄脆餅乾、麵包一起食用。或是製作藍紋乳酪醬(blue dressing),沾薯條或是淋在牛排上食用。適合搭配甜酒如 : 波特酒、雪利酒、馬德拉酒。節慶聚會時,您也可以嘗試在史帝頓藍紋乳酪中心挖一個空洞,再將波特酒倒入洞裡享用,另有一番賞味兼具娛樂的效果。
成份: 牛奶,凝乳酵素,鹽,乳酸菌
營養標示 每份 每100公克
熱量 205大卡 410大卡
蛋白質 11.9公克 23.7公克
脂肪 17.5公克 35公克
飽和脂肪 11.5公克 23公克
反式脂肪 0公克 0公克
碳水化合物 0公克 0公克
糖 0公克 0公克
鈉 394毫克 788毫克
口感層次:圓柱形,帶有黏性的灰色外皮,乳酪的外皮在熟成過程中自然形成並且可以食用。乳酪內部呈明顯的藍綠色大理石紋路,質地脆弱易碎,口感強烈,有明顯的鹹味、辛辣,但不及法國洛克福藍紋乳酪(Roquefort AOP)的濃烈、辛辣與厚重的鹹味。和義大利戈鞏佐拉藍紋乳酪(Gorgonzola DOP)相較,口感更為乾爽柔細,甜味也較明顯。具有厚實的重金屬香氣,非常適合乳酪板(cheese board)享用。
賞味方式:將乳酪置放於常溫30-60分鐘,讓乳酪釋放應有的獨特風味。簡單搭配長棍麵包、蘇打餅乾、蔬菜、水果(無花果、蘋果、西洋梨)就很美味。適合入菜料理增添特殊的藍紋風味。拌入熱熱的義大利麵,也可以搭配生菜沙拉用蜂蜜調味食用。烹調如沙拉、三明治、漢堡、焗烤、塔(tarts)、牛排、蔬菜巧達湯等料理。乳酪板(cheese board)適合搭配波特酒、雪利酒、馬德拉酒、冰酒、貴腐酒、利口酒、朗姆酒,也可以搭配陳年的紅葡萄酒,或是辛口的清酒、白蘭地、威士忌,都是不錯的賞味選擇。
保存方法:請低溫2°C ~6 °C冷藏。開封後,吃多少切多少,剩餘乳酪尚未食用的部分,請1.用保鮮膜或防油紙包妥,2.再放置於保鮮盒冷藏,雙重保護避免降低口感影響風味或是水氣潮濕造成腐壞。
Stilton is an English cheese, produced in two varieties: Blue, which has Penicillium roqueforti added to generate a characteristic smell and taste, and White, which does not. Both have been granted the status of a protected designation of origin (PDO) by the European Commission, requiring that only such cheese produced in the three counties of Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire may be called Stilton. The cheese takes its name from the village of Stilton, now in Cambridgeshire, where it has long been sold, but cannot be made because it is not in one of the three permitted counties.
In 1936 the Stilton Cheesemakers' Association (SCMA) was formed to lobby for regulation to protect the quality and origin of the cheese. In 1966 Stilton was granted legal protection via a certification trade mark, the only British cheese to have received that status.
Blue Stilton is often eaten with celery or pears. It is commonly added as a flavouring to vegetable soup, notably to cream of celery or broccoli.It is otherwise eaten with various crackers, biscuits or bread. It can be used to make a blue cheese sauce to be served drizzled over a steak, or the cheese can be crumbled over a salad. Traditionally, a barley wine or port is paired with Blue Stilton, but it also goes well with sweet sherry or Madeira wine. The practice of scooping a hollow in the centre of a Stilton cheese and pouring port wine into it is deprecated; nonetheless this combination has been marketed in screw-topped tubes "like toothpaste". The cheese is traditionally eaten at Christmas.The rind of the cheese forms naturally during the aging process and is edible, unlike the rind of some other cheeses, such as Edam or Port Salut.[citation needed.