Ubriaco al Prosecco DOC(36 Mois)義大利普羅賽科白葡萄酒硬質乳酪(36個月特熟成)


此款特別的義大利乳酪,以巴氏殺菌牛奶製成,需浸泡Prosecco DOC白葡萄酒約2個月,然後再熟成約6個月。接著重複如此繁複的工法至少36個月,讓乳酪充分吸收Prosecco的花卉金蘋果梨水果味道。風味獨特的Ubriaco切片或薄刨花,搭配一杯Prosecco顯然是最優雅的完美賞味組合。

*LATTERIA MORO DI MORO SERGIO這家公司,1930年由路易吉·莫羅Luigi Moro。在戰後時期,專門從事乳製品的生產。在80年代初,尊重傳統典型開創多樣性,加入松露番紅花葡萄酒渣乾草香草...等,賦予傳統乳酪特有的香氣和個性,以滿足美國,香港,法國,奧地利和其他歐洲國家苛刻和複雜的客戶需求。





成份:牛奶,鹽,凝乳酵素,乳酸菌,Prosecco DOC白葡萄酒

營養標示 每份(50公克) 每100公克

熱量 211大卡 422大卡

蛋白質 14.5公克 29公克

脂肪 16.6公克 33.2公克

飽和脂肪 12.1公克 24.1公克

反式脂肪 0公克 0公克

碳水化合物 0公克 0公克

糖 0公克 0公克

鈉 236毫克 472毫克

NT$ 700

口感層次:大圓扁形,外皮淺麥黃色,嘗起來有酒窖熟成的獨特風味。象牙白的內芯,有小細孔,質地細緻易碎,口感溫和,鹹奶油的風味,散發Prosecco花卉、金蘋果、梨水果味道,適合居家下午茶、親友歡聚場合的乳酪板(cheese board) 享受典雅的義大利乳酪賞味的經驗。

賞味方式:將乳酪置放於常溫30分鐘,讓乳酪釋放應有的獨特風味。乳酪盤cheese board搭配全麥麵包、蘇打餅乾、堅果或水果(西洋梨/青蘋果)就很美味。適合入菜料理如生菜沙拉、三明治、漢堡、法式焗烤、塔(tarts)或義大利麵等料理。適合搭配啤酒、白葡萄酒、紅葡萄酒,選擇一支Prosecco DOP風味更臻完美。


*Ubriaco Al Prosecco

Ubriaco al Prosecco is made from pasteurized cow's milk, made by Moro Latteria di Moro Sergio, Veneto, Italy. The cheese is immersed for about two months in tuns full of Prosecco wine and then aged for about 36 months. The cheese absorbs the flavor of flowers and fruits, such as the golden apple and pears from Prosecco wine. The fresh and elegantly salted cheese are best served in crumbles or thin shavings, obviously, with a glass of Prosecco. Ubriaco cheese has its roots in the farming tradition of the Veneto region. It has taken its name from the fact that the local dairymen used the grape dregs to wet the rind thus giving to the cheese the winey taste and aroma. Another story dates back to the First World War. At that time the farmers of the area tried to protect their cheeses from the enemy by hiding their cheeses in the wine must. Trying the cheese later they realized how good the cheese was and how well it kept. It has a soft dough with a particular fresh and elegantly salted taste.

The ripening is a process of aging cheese strictly DOC or DOP, respecting their typicality, adding flavored ingredients on the crust (marc, hay, ashes, herbs, etc...) Or on the same pasta (truffles, saffron), in order to confer a particular aroma and its own personality. In this way, the return to the old traditions deliver to the actual customers, cheese with lost flavors and fragrances.

The products are currently present in the United States, Hong Kong, France, Austria and other European countries.

The story of this company starts in 1930 in Oderzo when Luigi Moro, owner's grandfather, helped by his sons, organized a collection milk center from the stables in the area, to sell milk to families, as primary ingredient of poor feeding period. In the postwar period, the company specializes in the production of dairy products (cheese) and opens a cheese factory and a store in Oderzo.

In the early eighties, to diversify and satisfy more demanding and sophisticated customers, the current owner Sergio Moro, recover from the rural world the old techniques of curing and aging the cheese, once used by farmers and shepherds to preserve them, age them and season.

Ubriaco al Prosecco DOC(36 Mois)義大利普羅賽科白葡萄酒硬質乳酪(36個月特熟成)
Ubriaco al Prosecco DOC(36 Mois)義大利普羅賽科白葡萄酒硬質乳酪(36個月特熟成)
Ubriaco al Prosecco DOC(36 Mois)義大利普羅賽科白葡萄酒硬質乳酪(36個月特熟成)
Ubriaco al Prosecco DOC(36 Mois)義大利普羅賽科白葡萄酒硬質乳酪(36個月特熟成)
Ubriaco al Prosecco DOC(36 Mois)義大利普羅賽科白葡萄酒硬質乳酪(36個月特熟成)
Ubriaco al Prosecco DOC(36 Mois)義大利普羅賽科白葡萄酒硬質乳酪(36個月特熟成)
Ubriaco al Prosecco DOC(36 Mois)義大利普羅賽科白葡萄酒硬質乳酪(36個月特熟成)