Mascarpone 義大利馬士卡彭新鮮乳酪

有"拿破崙最愛的乳酪"之稱的馬士卡彭(Mascarpone)乳酪,12世紀誕生於義大利米蘭附近。她的特別之處在於有別於乳酪應有的鹹味,反而帶著有如蜂蜜般天然清淡的甜味。因為馬士卡彭是以乳脂而非鮮乳加熱製成,乳酪師再將乳脂以敲打的方式,讓乳脂中天然的酸性分離與釋放,直到完成乳酪的凝乳化並釋出乳清為止。雙倍乳脂(Double Cream)的馬士卡彭,入口即化柔軟細緻如冰淇淋,直接抹麵包配水果就是美味,拌成醬料入菜料理義大利麵或製作甜點,變化多端的口味更是老少咸宜。


製造商 : IGOR





每一份量50公克 本包裝含5份

每份 每100公克

熱量 206大卡 412大卡

蛋白質 2.4公克 4.8公克

脂肪 20.8公克 41.5克

飽和脂肪 7.5公克 15公克

反式脂肪 0公克 0公克

碳水化合物 2.4公克 4.8公克

糖 0.5公克 1公克

鈉 0毫克 0毫克


NT$ 350

口感層次:無外皮,質地柔軟、細膩,純白的鮮奶色,口感如濃郁的雙倍乳脂(Double Cream) ,淡淡的微甜 ,帶有檸檬氣息與飽滿持久的奶油香氣。



Mascarpone is an Italian cheese from the Lombardy region, made by curdling milk cream with citric acid or acetic acid. It is a thick, double or triple cream, soft cheese with a very high fat content ranging from 60% to 75%. The resulting rich butterfat content makes the cheese an essential ingredient in Italian recipes like Tiramisu and cheesecakes. The texture of Mascarpone ranges from smooth, creamy to buttery, depending on how it is processed during cheese making. The concise portrayal of Mascarpone really is just thickened cream that is on its way to becoming butter. Making the cheese is so simple that many people easily make their own Mascarpone at home. Mascarpone is used in both sweet and savory dishes. It is added to enhance the flavor of the dish without overwhelming the original taste. The cheese tastes best with anchovies, mustard and spices, or mixed with cocoa or coffee. Tiramisu, a layered dish with espresso, brandy, chocolate and Mascarpone has brought the cheese to the forefront of Italian cooking. Another possible use of Mascarpone is to thicken puddings and dessert creams. It is also popular as a standalone dessert served with fruit or syrup.

Mascarpone 義大利馬士卡彭新鮮乳酪
Mascarpone 義大利馬士卡彭新鮮乳酪
Mascarpone 義大利馬士卡彭新鮮乳酪
Mascarpone 義大利馬士卡彭新鮮乳酪
Mascarpone 義大利馬士卡彭新鮮乳酪
Mascarpone 義大利馬士卡彭新鮮乳酪
Mascarpone 義大利馬士卡彭新鮮乳酪
Mascarpone 義大利馬士卡彭新鮮乳酪
Mascarpone 義大利馬士卡彭新鮮乳酪