Soumaintrain affiné au marc de Bourgogne(IGP)法國蘇瑪坦洗皮乳酪(勃根第白蘭地)

源自於16世紀法國阿爾卑斯山-勃根第地區(Bourgogne)修道院,IGP產區限定分布於奧布省的香檳-阿登(Champagne-Ardennes)。她的名字來自當地的Yonne鎮,Soumaintrain屬於Époisses家族的一員,兩者的產區製作工法乃至於口感特色都非常相似,只是Soumaintrain體型比較大。酪農們取勃根第當地的伯納(Brune)、法國西蒙塔爾(Franch Simmental)、蒙貝利亞(Montbéliarde)品種乳牛的乳汁製作乳酪,再以鹽水和勃根第稱為”Marc”一種當地高酒精渣釀的白蘭地為洗浸液,多次洗滌乳酪,熟成期間Marc de Bourgogne的數量會增加,直到形成芳香和粘稠漂亮的橙色,產生帶甜的奶油味道,和明顯的辛辣。外皮剛形成年輕的Soumaintrain,內芯為白色的糊狀,質地細膩溫和。隨著6~8週的熟成,外皮產生粘稠的皺折,顏色也轉為橘色,內芯變成淺黃色,質地滑順如流動的熔岩,口味如同鹹奶油般濃郁,成熟透出甜味。相較於其他洗皮乳酪或Époisses強烈有如臭襪子的辛辣刺鼻氣味,Soumaintrain氣味較為溫和不會太刺鼻。為了保護乳酪流動的口感狀態,通常以圓形的小木盒包裝。是法國人享用乳酪盤和居家宴客不可少的美食。

製造商 : Fromagerie d'Auxon




成份:牛奶,凝乳酵素,鹽,乳酸菌,勃根第白蘭地marc de Bourgogne


每一份量50公克 本包裝含4份

每份 每100公克

熱量 127.5大卡 255大卡

蛋白質 8.5公克 16.9公克

脂肪 10公克 20公克

飽和脂肪 7.4公克 14.7公克

反式脂肪 0公克 0公克

碳水化合物 0.5公克 1公克

糖 0公克 0公克

鈉 280毫克 560毫克

NT$ 600


賞味方式:直接抹在堅果或葡萄乾麵包上就是最簡單又美味的品嘗方式喜歡濃烈味道的老饕,可以搭配馬鈴薯或肉類烘烤,讓Soumaintrain的甜味更凸顯。適合搭配勃根第粉紅酒(Rosé) 、黑皮諾(pinot noir)紅酒、濃郁的夏多內(Chardonnay) 、夏布利(Chablis)、希哈(Syrah)當然還有Marc de Bourgogne,帶出更濃郁而上成的賞味層次


Soumaintrain is a farmhouse (fermier) French cheese made with raw cow’s milk in the Burgundy region of France and is today made in Champagne-Ardennes in the Aube department. It owes its name to the town in Yonne where farmers originally manufactured this cheese. The soft, uncooked, and un-pressed paste has a distinct pungent yet sweet and creamy flavor resulting from numerous washings with a solution of brine and Marc de Bourgogne. Soumaintrain is very similar to Époisses. The quantity of Marc de Bourgogne is increased during the maturation period until the cheese develops an excellent orange colored, aromatic and sticky rind. Usually eaten young, Soumaintrain when cut, exposes a mild, white paste with a close and fine texture. For a washed-rind cheese, it is not a big stinker. It will come to room temperature on your counter without making you think something died in your kitchen. As it ages during six to eight weeks, the flavors become ripe, divulging sweet, salty and creamy milk notes. An excellent cheese for the winter months, Soumaintrain is occasionally eaten young, when the cheese simply consists of a mild, white paste. Since Soumaintrain is a washed rind cheese in the stinky category, the creamy yellow paste will run at room temperature. To help protect the cheese, it usually comes in a round wooden box. The cheese tastes excellent with Chablis, Rosé, Syrah and of course Marc de Bourgogne.



Soumaintrain affiné au marc de Bourgogne(IGP)法國蘇瑪坦洗皮乳酪(勃根第白蘭地)
Soumaintrain affiné au marc de Bourgogne(IGP)法國蘇瑪坦洗皮乳酪(勃根第白蘭地)
Soumaintrain affiné au marc de Bourgogne(IGP)法國蘇瑪坦洗皮乳酪(勃根第白蘭地)
Soumaintrain affiné au marc de Bourgogne(IGP)法國蘇瑪坦洗皮乳酪(勃根第白蘭地)
Soumaintrain affiné au marc de Bourgogne(IGP)法國蘇瑪坦洗皮乳酪(勃根第白蘭地)
Soumaintrain affiné au marc de Bourgogne(IGP)法國蘇瑪坦洗皮乳酪(勃根第白蘭地)
Soumaintrain affiné au marc de Bourgogne(IGP)法國蘇瑪坦洗皮乳酪(勃根第白蘭地)
Soumaintrain affiné au marc de Bourgogne(IGP)法國蘇瑪坦洗皮乳酪(勃根第白蘭地)
Soumaintrain affiné au marc de Bourgogne(IGP)法國蘇瑪坦洗皮乳酪(勃根第白蘭地)