Fromage Blanc Cottage (BIO) 法國羅亞爾河茅屋山羊新鮮乳酪(有機)

來自法國中部羅亞爾河地區(La Loire)貝里省(Berry)。氣候溫和,擁有沙漠地帶和雪兒谷的沙土等,混合又多樣化的土壤,具備豐富的農藝能力,如葡萄和穀物種植以及飼料文化等優質條件,都是有益山羊chèvre飼養並出產特殊乳酪的主要因素。幾個世紀以來,一直是法國山羊乳酪的重要產地,包括Selles-sur-Cher(AOP), Crottin de Chavignol(AOP)、Valençay(AOP)、Pouligny-Saint-Pierre等聞名於世的山羊乳酪。

Fromage Blanc Cottage以溫和的口味和營養品質而聞名。其製造採用獨特的手工工藝,新鮮的味道和柔軟濃郁的稠度而受到讚賞。奶油味十足,柔軟可口令人驚喜,廣受注重體態健康養生人士的歡迎。


法國羅亞爾河地區(La Loire)安德爾省的拉韋爾內爾鎮(La Vernelle)的 JACQUIN & Fils,有”世界上最好的乳酪製作者”的聲譽。屢獲殊榮,並以驚人的速度席捲全世界乳酪愛好者的味蕾,其山羊乳酪就包括了30多款產品,以增加賞味者享受乳酪板的多樣選擇。為了確保每一個長棍山羊新鮮乳酪從法國到消費者口中,品質達到一致的新鮮和完美韻味,每個被真空保護在單一的保護盒內,該保護殼保留了乳酪的香氛,並停止了乳酪因濕度或溫度細菌造成的口感變化,確保品質和新鮮度的穩定水平。 一個山羊乳酪愛好者可以在這裡找到各種口味的山羊乳酪,從年輕和新鮮的,到熟成和硬皮的,應有盡有各具特色!







每份 每100公克

熱量 51.5大卡 103大卡

蛋白質 1.89公克 3.77公克

脂肪 4公克 8公克

飽和脂肪 2.37公克 4.73公克

反式脂肪 0公克 0公克

碳水化合物 0公克 0公克

0公克 0公克

10毫克 20毫克

NT$ 1,200


賞味方式:拆封後,用小湯匙或抹刀可以將乳酪當麵包或貝果的抹醬。簡單搭配法國長棍麵包、蘇打餅乾、蔬菜、水果就很美味。入菜製作好吃的山羊乳酪海鮮沙拉,淋上橄欖油,搭配烤麵包風味更佳。或是快速料理Tapas、三明治、漢堡、千層麵、乳酪蛋糕等餐點,適合搭配酒體輕盈果香馥郁的香檳酒、或是白葡萄酒如:蘇維翁白葡萄酒Sauvignon Blanc、灰皮諾白葡萄酒Pinot gris或是Valençay風味更佳。

保存方法:請低溫2°C ~6°C冷藏。開封後,用乾淨的湯匙取用,原廠包裝盒蓋好冷藏保存。原廠盒如有破損,您也可以放置於保鮮盒或是玻璃罐冷藏,避免降低口感影響風味或是水氣潮濕造成腐壞。

The cheese bucket is a fresh goat’s cheese that is highly appreciated for its freshness and nutritional qualities. This cheese surprises with its character, which is both creamy, soft and tasty. Its production uses unique artisanal processes, which have made our know-how and our reputation.

This soft and fresh goat’s cheese is famous for its mild taste and nutritional qualities. This kind of cheese is appreciated for both its fresh taste and soft and rich consistency. Our very unique and qualified hand-made process is the starting point of both our know-how and reputation.

Suggestion de présentation / Our suggestion

According to tastes, it can be eaten plain, sweetened or flavored (chives, pepper, salt, etc.) for lunch, as a snack or at the end of a meal.

According to each individual taste, this soft cheese can be eaten plain, with sugar or flavored (salt, black pepper, etc.).

Accompaniment / Wine

White or red wine, light and fragrant (Valençay).

Light wine, white or red (Valençay)

Additional information

All our analyses are carried out according to the official standards in force. The packaging of our products is suitable for food contact. Most of our suppliers are GFSI certified. We apply rigorous quality (HACCP) and traceability methods for your service.

All the analysis undergone by our products are made according to current law edicted by French and international officials. The packaging components are qualified for food contact. Most of our suppliers are qualified with GFSI (or so) standard. HACCP methods and traceability are in use by Jacquin cheese dairy to give you a high level of services.

Fromage Blanc Cottage (BIO) 法國羅亞爾河茅屋山羊新鮮乳酪(有機)
Fromage Blanc Cottage (BIO) 法國羅亞爾河茅屋山羊新鮮乳酪(有機)
Fromage Blanc Cottage (BIO) 法國羅亞爾河茅屋山羊新鮮乳酪(有機)
Fromage Blanc Cottage (BIO) 法國羅亞爾河茅屋山羊新鮮乳酪(有機)
Fromage Blanc Cottage (BIO) 法國羅亞爾河茅屋山羊新鮮乳酪(有機)
Fromage Blanc Cottage (BIO) 法國羅亞爾河茅屋山羊新鮮乳酪(有機)