Fromage de brebis aux bolets西班牙綿羊硬質乳酪(牛肝菌)

來自西班牙曼查大草原La Mancha獨有的綿羊乳,加入歐洲頂級牛肝菌,口感厚實,鹹香甜美並具的滋味,散發牛肝菌精緻的秋天氣息,完美地融為一體,享受土地的無與倫比味道,如置身高山峻嶺令人愉快的嶄新風味,是乳酪老饕不容錯過的夢幻作品,當然是居家聚餐派對理想的選擇。

唐吉軻德故鄉,西班牙馬德里南方原始粗曠的曼查大草原(La Mancha)。自然放牧的曼查羊群啃食橡樹、黑刺李、野生百里香、野豌豆等天然香草植物和野生漿果,秋冬則由牧人餵食葡萄樹的捲鬚和乾草,賦與一天產量只有幾公升的綿羊奶。比牛奶還要優質的營養特性,具有高比例的蛋白質和維生素A,D和E,滴滴蘊含野生香草和橡實的精華,獨特而稀少的香甜乳汁,營造出其他地方無法複製令人愉快的風味。

製造商 : Quesos Vega Sotuélamos SL






每份 每100公克

熱量 223大卡 446大卡

蛋白質 12.3公克 24.5公克

脂肪 18.7公克 37.4公克

飽和脂肪 13.6公克 27.1公克

反式脂肪 0公克 0公克

碳水化合物 0公克 0公克

0公克 0公克

394毫克 787毫克

NT$ 680

口感層次:圓鼓形,象牙白色的內芯,具有小細孔,口感溫和柔順,果香和奶油鹹香,香草氣味,巴西豆的香氣,還有焦糖般的甜香,牛肝菌精緻的秋天氣息,完美地融為一體,適合居家早餐、下午茶、親友歡聚場合的乳酪板(cheese board) 。

賞味方式:最佳的開胃點心,配蘇打餅乾或麵包、新鮮沙拉、水果就是美味,熱食增加料理的風味,製作三明治、漢堡、披薩、義大利麵、焗烤等色香味俱全的美食。乳酪板Cheese board搭配黑麥啤酒,厚重一些的白葡萄酒或紅葡萄酒,都是讓賞味更愉快的選擇。


The cheese comes from the “La Mancha” region of Spain. Produced with raw Manchego sheep and goat milk, which feeds on a very wild vegetation typical of rough climates. The climate and feed of the sheep cultivate an enjoyable taste that cannot be reproduced elsewhere.

It's concentrates the nutritional properties of milk. With a high proportion of proteins and Vitamins A, D and E, 100 grams of Cheese a day can cover 65% of daily recommended calcium needs, with a low salt and sugar content. It has a firm and compact consistency and a buttery texture, and often contains small, unevenly-distributed air pockets.

The cheese is produced with bolets. The intense woody notes of ceps combine with the typical sheep’s cheese.

Our mildest but most powerful flavor, the quality of this mushroom mixed with the nuances that our aged cheese provides, delight all those who want to enjoy an unmistakable and pleasant flavor. Its appearance and smell invites you to try and enjoy a new and different cheese.

The intense flavor of sheep's milk melts on the palate with the autumnal aroma of boletus, transporting you to the high mountains of the interior, where this exquisite mushroom grows. Flavors of the land that come together in perfect harmony to delight your taste buds in a festival of sensations. Dare to try this novel mixture and taste it in company or alone, in that place that you know is your favorite corner. An incredible roundness on the palate. Ideal for parties!

Fromage de brebis aux bolets西班牙綿羊硬質乳酪(牛肝菌)
Fromage de brebis aux bolets西班牙綿羊硬質乳酪(牛肝菌)
Fromage de brebis aux bolets西班牙綿羊硬質乳酪(牛肝菌)
Fromage de brebis aux bolets西班牙綿羊硬質乳酪(牛肝菌)
Fromage de brebis aux bolets西班牙綿羊硬質乳酪(牛肝菌)