Chabichou du Poitou( AOP) 法國夏比丘山羊乳酪(素)

源自8世紀,由撒拉遜人帶著山羊和山羊乳酪到達法國羅亞爾河流域(La Loire)的普瓦圖Poitou,Chabichou在阿拉伯語chebi為一隻小山羊意思。歐洲許多古老的手工乳酪僅在特定地區生產,以確保質量和標準。Chabichou du Poitou限定產自法國普瓦圖,貝里和佩里戈爾地區的一個小區域。採用全新鮮山羊奶製成,於1990年獲得了Appellation d'OrigineContrôlée(AOC)保護。只由少數小農(fermier)生產,產量稀少多於當地銷售。

法國羅亞爾河地區氣候溫和,擁有沙漠地帶和雪兒谷的沙土等,混合又多樣化的土壤,具備豐富的農藝能力,如葡萄和穀物種植以及飼料文化等優質條件,都是有益山羊chèvre飼養並出產特殊乳酪的主要因素。幾個世紀以來,一直是法國山羊乳酪的重要產地,包括Selles-sur-Cher(AOP), Crottin de Chavignol(AOP)、Valençay(AOP)、Pouligny-Saint-Pierre等聞名於世的山羊乳酪。








每一份量50公克 本包裝含3份

每份 每100公克

熱量 152大卡 304大卡

蛋白質 9.5公克 19公克

脂肪 12.5公克 25公克

飽和脂肪 9.5公克 19公克

反式脂肪 0公克 0公克

碳水化合物 0.4公克 0.7公克

糖 0公克 0公克

鈉 300毫克 600毫克

NT$ 600


賞味方式:放室溫30分鐘,切開直接配法國長棍麵包或蘇打餅乾就是美味。乳酪板(cheese board)可以選擇沙拉、白葡萄或西洋梨一起品嚐。熱食料理入菜也非常適合,例如:烤節瓜、義大利麵或披薩都是不錯的美食,搭配不甜的香檳酒、白葡萄酒、粉紅酒、或是富含果香的紅葡萄酒,風味更是絕美!


The legend of this cheese dates as far back to the 8th century when the Saracens arrived to the area with goats and goat cheeses. In fact, its name is derived from the Arabic word chebi, meaning a young goat. They are manufactured in small cylindrical shapes that are 6cm tall and weigh approximately 6oz.

Many artisanal cheeses are produced only in specific regions to ensure quality and standardization. Here in this case, Chabichou du Poitou is manufactured on a small area in the Poitou, Berry and Perigord regions of France. Made with whole fresh goat’s milk, the cheese won Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée (AOC) in 1990 guaranteeing the authenticity of the produce. The cheese is produce only by a few farmsteads or cheese retailers and is sold locally.

The cheese comes in the shape of a truncated cylinder called "bonde", approximately 6 cm in height and 5 to 6 cm in diameter. After 10 days of maturing process, Chabichou contains a minimum 45% fat and comes coated with a thin layer of grey-blue islets. If the cheese is made by a farmstead, it is naturally allowed to develop the mould, whereas Penicillium is inserted into the cheese if made by a dairy. The cheese is sold at a minimum maturing age of 2 weeks but may be matured for five to six weeks to acquire an intense aroma and flavour.

Upon ageing, Chabichou develops a characteristic, edible wrinkled rind dotted with occasional gray patches. Cut the cheese and it reveals a firm, creamy “bright white” interior but not before unwinding a thin buttery layer. Even though it smells typically “goaty”, the flavours are sweet with a bit of salty and tangy edge at the end. As the cheese ages, it becomes savory,piquant and nutty. Balance the flavours of the cheese with light white wine,champagne, and pilsner beer.

Chabichou du Poitou( AOP) 法國夏比丘山羊乳酪(素)
Chabichou du Poitou( AOP) 法國夏比丘山羊乳酪(素)
Chabichou du Poitou( AOP) 法國夏比丘山羊乳酪(素)
Chabichou du Poitou( AOP) 法國夏比丘山羊乳酪(素)
Chabichou du Poitou( AOP) 法國夏比丘山羊乳酪(素)
Chabichou du Poitou( AOP) 法國夏比丘山羊乳酪(素)