Gouda Chèvre Lavande荷蘭高達半硬質乳酪(山羊.薰衣草)

荷蘭農場(fermier)工匠乳酪(artisan cheese),都是根據農家的祕方以傳統方式製作的。以天然放牧營養的山羊乳汁,排除乳清取得優質凝乳後,加入薰衣草精心製成。創造出花園般的氣息,風味獨具的美味乳酪。內芯質地Q彈,口感滑潤細緻,輕淺的鹹奶油香,融合優雅細緻的果香氣,乳酪與草本香料和諧的美味,使款乳酪具有令人驚豔的視覺和口感,營養豐富齒頰生香的美妙滋味,是一款老少咸宜營養豐富的農場乳酪,更是慶宴歡聚乳酪板(cheese board)畫龍點睛不可少的好味道。


製造商 : Kaasmakerij Henri Willig B.V.





營養標示 每份 每100公克

熱量 198.5大卡 397大卡

蛋白質 12公克 24公克

脂肪 17公克 34公克

飽和脂肪 10.5公克 21公克

反式脂肪 0公克 0公克

碳水化合物 0公克 0公克

0公克 0公克

400毫克 800毫克

NT$ 600

口感層次:圓扁形,薰衣草紫色的內芯,具有小細孔,質地Q彈,口感溫和柔順,帶有果香和鹹奶油般的味道,薰衣草讓人口口滿足,賦予乳酪濃濃的田園風味與浪漫的氣息,適合居家早餐、下午茶、親友歡聚場合的乳酪板(cheese board),奶香與草本香料如美味佳餚的和諧組合,營養美味大大的加分。



Goat Cheese Lavender

An advantage of goat cheese is that it is lighter digestible than cheese made from cow’s milk. That’s because of the smaller fat molecules in goat’s milk. This allows goat cheese to fit perfectly into a balanced diet. Also, goat cheese contains a lot of vitamin A. This is because the goats convert all carotene (contains orange dye) from the feed into vitamin A. This also explains the white color of goat cheese. Goat cheese is also a godsend for people with cow’s milk allergies. All herbed cheeses are made according to their own recipe by the best cheesemakers and are prepared with love for animals, people and earth. Then the cheeses are matured in conditioned warehouse to achieve the best taste. Each cheese has its own story.

This young, creamy goat cheese with lavender added to it has a distinctive colour and flavour. At first, the cheese tastes mild and then the lavender becomes evident: fruity and slightly sharp. The flavour of lavender is closest to that of rosemary. This is a truly unique, aromatic cheese with a special colour.

Gouda Chèvre Lavande荷蘭高達半硬質乳酪(山羊.薰衣草)
Gouda Chèvre Lavande荷蘭高達半硬質乳酪(山羊.薰衣草)