Raclette fumée-Brezain法國布列贊-哈克雷半硬質乳酪(山毛櫸&杜松木煙燻)

誕生於1992年,產自法國上薩瓦(Haute-Savoie) ,是一款以巴氏殺菌牛奶製成的半硬質raclette乳酪。Brezain形狀像一個扁平的麵包,有一個輕微的凸起,頂部有六個淺色的凹痕。內芯呈黃色至稻草黃色,無孔洞,質地柔軟細緻。至少要經過5個月以上的熟成,熟成師用阿爾卑斯山的山毛櫸和杜松木加以燻製,形成外皮漂亮的琥珀色澤,並賦予獨特的木香調與培根味道,Brezain乳酪更以法文〝braise:餘燼〞一詞為其名。具有明顯的煙燻味和香氣、細緻的奶油味,帶有堅果和焦糖的味道。由於含鹽量相對較少,在烹飪中用途廣泛。最常見的做法是融化成Raclette搭配馬鈴薯食用,或是料理沙拉、三明治或乳酪鍋,簡單地切成方塊作為開胃菜搭配黑皮諾或一杯精釀啤酒就是美味。


阿爾卑斯山為法國與瑞士的國界,因此純手工製作的Raclette哈克蕾乳酪也有產自法國與瑞士的差異。有多種選擇,包括白葡萄酒、煙燻、胡椒甚至草藥。瑞士Raclette特色為熟成6個月,讓乳酪產平滑生質地,及濃烈如馬廄夾著葡萄酒般的香氣,口味比較厚重,適合料理用。法國Raclette熟成需至少8個月,乳酪的風味較為柔和,濃濃的奶油香帶有淡淡的堅果香,微鹹的口感,如同鹹牛奶糖般宜人的風味,適合當日常的零食或乳酪板(cheese board)享用。

製造商 : S.A.S CARTRY




每份50公克 每100公克

熱量 185.5大卡 371大卡

蛋白質 12.5公克 25公克

脂肪 15公克 30公克

飽和脂肪 10公克 20公克

反式脂肪 0公克 0公克

碳水化合物 0公克 0公克

0公克 0公克

400毫克 800毫克

NT$ 560

口感層次:大圓扁形,外皮為漂亮的琥珀色,具有濃郁的木香氣和煙燻味。內芯為淺黃色,質地平滑,口感Q軟富有彈性,濃濃的奶油鹹香帶著堅果氣息,非常適合親友歡聚場合搭配酒體飽滿美酒的乳酪板(cheese board) 。



Brezain is a semi-hard raclette-style French cheese made from pasteurized cow's milk. The cheese is produced in the region of Haute-Savoie .

This cheese was launched in 1992 by the company Edelmont in Balme-de-Thuy. Its name comes from the word « braise » (embers) because it is smoked with beech and juniper wood, bringing a unique taste and a nice amber color. This uncooked pressed cheese is made from partially skimmed milk. This « raclette » type of cheese undergoes a minimum maturation of five months.

It is most often enjoyed melted as a raclette and served with potatoes and cold cuts, but can also be served in a salad, sandwich or casserole, or simply cut into cubes for an hors d’oeuvre.

This cheese is shaped like a flat loaf with a slight bulge and six light-colored, spoke-like indentations on the top. Its paste is yellow to straw-yellow, with no holes, and its texture is relatively soft. Its rind is brownish-orange.

The paste is soft, with a distinct smoky taste and aroma. With its relatively light amount of salt, this cheese is very versatile in cookery. Brezain has a creamy texture, while the flavors are nutty, smoky, and caramel-like.

Pair it with Pinot Noir or a glass of craft beer.

Raclette fumée-Brezain法國布列贊-哈克雷半硬質乳酪(山毛櫸&杜松木煙燻)
Raclette fumée-Brezain法國布列贊-哈克雷半硬質乳酪(山毛櫸&杜松木煙燻)
Raclette fumée-Brezain法國布列贊-哈克雷半硬質乳酪(山毛櫸&杜松木煙燻)
Raclette fumée-Brezain法國布列贊-哈克雷半硬質乳酪(山毛櫸&杜松木煙燻)
Raclette fumée-Brezain法國布列贊-哈克雷半硬質乳酪(山毛櫸&杜松木煙燻)
Raclette fumée-Brezain法國布列贊-哈克雷半硬質乳酪(山毛櫸&杜松木煙燻)
Raclette fumée-Brezain法國布列贊-哈克雷半硬質乳酪(山毛櫸&杜松木煙燻)
Raclette fumée-Brezain法國布列贊-哈克雷半硬質乳酪(山毛櫸&杜松木煙燻)