Parmigiano-Reggiano(DOP)Lait Cru/36Mois Extra vieux義大利帕瑪吉阿諾-荷吉阿諾硬質乳酪(生乳/36個月特熟成)

有「乳酪之王」稱號的義大利帕馬吉阿諾-荷吉阿諾乳酪(Parmiggiano-Reggiano) 。以牛奶生乳製成,富含豐富的高蛋白質、維生素、鈣和礦物鹽。12世紀本篤會修士開始專門生產,至今其製作方式幾乎毫無改變。1995年帕馬吉阿諾-荷吉阿諾地區的聯合會(Consortium)制定保護Parmiggiano-Reggiano這個名稱,後續Parmesan也納入保護,聯合會規定該乳酪的生產省份僅限於:摩德納(Modena)、帕馬(Parma)、雷焦艾米利亞(Reggio Emilia)、艾米力亞-羅馬涅(Emilia-Romagan)地區得波隆納(Bologna)、倫巴底(Lombardia)地區的蒙多拉(Montova) ,產區內500家的農場依傳統製造每個重達38公斤的帕馬森乳酪。依規定只餵食乳牛新鮮的青草、乾草和紫花苜蓿,不准餵食飼料。在保護和尊重的環境中確保乳酪的高品質和特殊性。

義大利聯合會重重把關在每個乳酪外表烙上鋼印,標記Parmiggiano-Reggiano的乳酪代表可以繼續熟成2年以上。stravecchio代表乳酪已經3歲, stravecchiones則為4歲或更老。年紀越大的乳酪紋理越精細,味道越複雜。標記Mezzano表示可立即食用。Extra代表通過另一項額外的測試,蓋有Export戳章代表該品質為第一等級。沒通過測試的戳章會被磨平,只能以一般Grana硬質乳酪販售。






每份 每100公克

熱量 196大卡 392大卡

蛋白質 16.5公克 33公克

脂肪 14.2公克 28.4公克

飽和脂肪 10.5公克 21公克

反式脂肪 0公克 0公克

碳水化合物 0公克 0公克

糖 0公克 0公克

鈉 320毫克 640毫克

NT$ 640


賞味方式:加熱便會融解,是全世界應用在烹飪用途上最廣泛的一款乳酪,麵包、醬汁、沙拉、義大利麵都可入菜料理。直接食用,可搭配清爽的白酒如夏多內(chardonnay),強健的紅酒如義大利的Brunello, chianti,Rioja,Valpolicella,Crozes-Hermitage,cabernet sauvignon,Merlot或是甜點酒,白蘭地或威士忌更是最佳選擇。


Parmigiano-Reggiano is produced exclusively in the provinces of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena and parts of the provinces of Mantua and Bologna, on the plains, hills and mountains enclosed between the rivers Po and Reno.

This is the area hosting four thousand farms where the cattle are fed on locally grown forage.

From these deep roots in a protected and respected environment, come the unique qualities, which characterize the “king of cheeses”.

Regular controls are carried out on the milk used in the process to ensure the high quality and the presence of special characteristics, which allow Parmigiano-Reggiano to continue to be, as it always has been, a purely natural product, completely without additives or preservatives.

Since medieval times, when the Benedictine monks started producing these great cheeses specifically for long maturation, man has joined with nature, leaving it untouched and improving only the areas of man’s intervention.

The unique taste of a product made without additives, with its concentration of proteins, vitamins, calcium and mineral salts make it perfect for all ages and for all situations, a ready source of useful energy for everyone. Parmigiano-Reggiano, often called Parmesan cheese, is a hard, dry cheese made from skimmed or partially skimmed cow's milk. It has a hard pale-golden rind and a straw-colored interior with a rich, sharp flavor. Parmigiano-Reggiano is more often aged at least two years. Those labeled stravecchio have been aged three years, while stravecchiones are four or more years old. Their complex flavor and extremely granular texture are a result of the long aging. Pairing very well with a Brunello, chianti,Rioja,Valpolicella,Crozes-Hermitage,cabernet sauvignon,Merlot and chardonnay.

Parmigiano-Reggiano(DOP)Lait Cru/36Mois Extra vieux義大利帕瑪吉阿諾-荷吉阿諾硬質乳酪(生乳/36個月特熟成)
Parmigiano-Reggiano(DOP)Lait Cru/36Mois Extra vieux義大利帕瑪吉阿諾-荷吉阿諾硬質乳酪(生乳/36個月特熟成)
Parmigiano-Reggiano(DOP)Lait Cru/36Mois Extra vieux義大利帕瑪吉阿諾-荷吉阿諾硬質乳酪(生乳/36個月特熟成)
Parmigiano-Reggiano(DOP)Lait Cru/36Mois Extra vieux義大利帕瑪吉阿諾-荷吉阿諾硬質乳酪(生乳/36個月特熟成)
Parmigiano-Reggiano(DOP)Lait Cru/36Mois Extra vieux義大利帕瑪吉阿諾-荷吉阿諾硬質乳酪(生乳/36個月特熟成)
Parmigiano-Reggiano(DOP)Lait Cru/36Mois Extra vieux義大利帕瑪吉阿諾-荷吉阿諾硬質乳酪(生乳/36個月特熟成)
Parmigiano-Reggiano(DOP)Lait Cru/36Mois Extra vieux義大利帕瑪吉阿諾-荷吉阿諾硬質乳酪(生乳/36個月特熟成)