San Simón da Costa(DOP)西班牙聖西蒙半硬質乳酪(白樺木煙燻)

來自Rubia Gallega外觀如同一顆大水滴的聖西蒙乳酪(San Simón),源自於西班牙的塞爾特(Celtic)文化,DOP法令規範其生產地覆蓋TerraChá地區,包括盧戈省:Vilalba,Muras,Xermade,Abadín,Guitiriz,Begonte,Castro de Rei,Cospeito和A Pastoriza。以Parda-Alpina和Friesian品種的巴氏殺菌牛奶製成,乳酪師使用樺木木材小火慢燻,至少30天的熟成期,形成特殊的黃銅色外皮,嫩黃色內芯口感Q軟綿細,典型的白樺木特殊的天然煙燻風味與乳酪的奶油香氣達成完美的和諧,整體口感溫和,層次細膩優雅,酸味與甜味美妙的平衡,尾味帶有木香調的鹹香,延展性極佳,適合融化加入米飯或義大利麵,或蔬菜料理及沙拉中,搭配紅酒更添美味。

製造商 : Queixeria Casleiras




成份: 牛奶,凝乳酵素,鹽,乳酸菌

營養標示 每份50公克 每100公克

熱量 221.5大卡 443大卡

蛋白質 13公克 26公克

脂肪 19公克 38公克

飽和脂肪 10.3.公克 20.5公克

反式脂肪 0公克 0公克

碳水化合物 0公克 0公克

糖 0公克 0公克

鈉 328毫克 655毫克

NT$ 700

口感層次:水滴狀,黃銅色的外皮可食用,內芯為淺黃色,質地Q彈帶著香甜的奶油香、白樺木的煙燻木香,適合居家下午茶、親友歡聚場合的乳酪板(cheese board) 。


保存方法:請低溫2°C ~6 °C冷藏。開封後,吃多少切多少,尚未食用的部分,請用保鮮膜或防油紙包妥,再放置於保鮮盒冷藏,避免降低口感影響風味或是水氣潮濕造成腐壞。


. Smoked cheese made from raw or pasteurized cow’s milk from the Rubia Gallega, Parda-Alpina and Friesian breeds and cross-breeds, with a minimum 30-day ripening period. It has a distinctive shape, like a large spinning top, with a flat base and a pointed tip.

The geographical area in which the milk is obtained and the cheese produced covers the Terra Chá region, which comprises the following municipal districts in the province of Lugo: Vilalba, Muras, Xermade, Abadín, Guitiriz, Begonte, Castro de Rei, Cospeito and A Pastoriza.

It has a typical aroma and flavor, with a smoky note from using birch wood. The cheese texture is fine, fatty, semi-hard, semi-elastic and dense; it has a creamy yellow color and cuts smoothly. The rind is smoked, hard and non-elastic, between 1 and 3 mm thick, a yellow-ochre color and a little greasy. It has a small number of rounded or irregular shaped ‘eyes’ in a variety of sizes, but usually smaller than half a pea.

San Simón da Costa(DOP)西班牙聖西蒙半硬質乳酪(白樺木煙燻)
San Simón da Costa(DOP)西班牙聖西蒙半硬質乳酪(白樺木煙燻)
San Simón da Costa(DOP)西班牙聖西蒙半硬質乳酪(白樺木煙燻)
San Simón da Costa(DOP)西班牙聖西蒙半硬質乳酪(白樺木煙燻)
San Simón da Costa(DOP)西班牙聖西蒙半硬質乳酪(白樺木煙燻)